BlackCarbon partners

International Biochar Initiative
IBI is a non-profi t organization supporting researchers, commercial entities, policy makers, development agents, farmers and gardeners, and others committed to supporting sustainable biochar production and utilization systems that remove carbon from the atmosphere and enhance the earth’s soils. IBI supports biochar systems that reduce net greenhouse emissions, improve soils, do not contribute to deleterious direct or indirect land use changes, and that are supported by indigenous peoples and stakeholders.

Stirling DK
The world’s leading provider of biomass fuelled Stirling engines. Based on 15 years of solid research and can today provide combined heat and power installations with an electric output of 10-500 kWe. At competitive rates. Our technology enables the conversion of biomass, such as wood chips and straw, into high-value, clean, CO2- neutral electricity and heat. It enables our customers to become self-sustainable, independent of fuel import, independent of fossil fuels, and even independent of the electrical distribution.